Company Overview

ITM manufactures integrated hydrogen energy solutions to enhance the utilisation of renewable energy that would otherwise be wasted.

ITM’s vision is to help the world reach net zero through the power of green hydrogen.

How it Works

The ITM story:
A road to net zero.

For the past twenty years, ITM has been designing and manufacturing electrolyser systems that generate hydrogen gas based on Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) technology. Our electrolysers run on renewable electricity and water, with oxygen as the only by-product. We are a globally recognised expert in green hydrogen. In recent years, we’ve seen interest in green hydrogen increase rapidly worldwide. To meet potential demand and help accelerate global progress towards net zero, we have scaled up at speed.

After Sales Support

Customers can ensure best operational support with our excellent 24/7 after sales support.

Experts in Innovation

With a robust approach to research and development, ITM is always developing new technologies and pioneering solutions for the future.

Ongoing Maintenance

Alongside remote support, we offer physical maintenance, deploying skilled engineering resource.

Industry Leading

Our PEM electrolysers are market leading and will enjoy greater market penetration as the demand for green hydrogen grows.

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Company Overview
Aim Rule 26
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